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My Mom likes to say that when I was a baby, as soon as I learned to walk, I ditched all that and just continually RAN— And that’s how these last 7 years in business have felt. Fast run from day one, very little walk. We’re coming up on the yearly anniversary of our company […]

Last week I had a chat with a Realtor + client, M, from Washington. She wanted advice around messaging and more specifically, a tagline for her team. I’ve written about taglines before. It’s filed in the folder, “Marketing Things Realtors Needlessly Agonize Over.” As I talked through things with M, what emerged was the idea of moderating […]

We’re all humans here, and the human face behind our businesses matters, too.

Let’s play a game, and give your real estate service pitch a complete 180 strategy makeover while we’re at it.

Turns out there’s a big catch with the Typical Realtor Marketing Approach…

If you can build trust with one tiny offer first, everything else will follow.

While the design of your website might be the key to trust, the copywriting of your website is the key to CONVERSION.

When you say and do what your competitors are unwilling to say and do, therein lies the differentiation.

If you do this right, your personal brand is the one thing your competitors can’t swipe.

Let’s set up today with a simple 4-step, rinse-and-repeat marketing strategy for relocation buyers that no one else in your area is doing.