Today as I sat down to write this email, I realized that much of my recent writing has been, technically, stealing. Last month in your Inbox, I stole a fabulous example of marketing storytelling from HEY and applied it to real estate. (You all loved that one.) Of course there’s more. I’ve been known to poach the Panera Bread […]
Let’s talk about storytelling in your real estate marketing, but make it actionable + no-fluff. I’m going to show you a real-life, stunning-in-its-simplicity example of marketing storytelling done well. Then I’m going to steal that exact same copywriting and apply it to real estate. (Same as I did, equally as brazenly, when I stole the Panera Bread […]
There’s a handy little framework I use when talking to Realtors who are considering hiring our agency to rebrand them — and you can use it in your closing opportunities with buyer and seller leads, too. Some might call it a “sales tool,” but that verbiage makes me grimace. Because the lexicon of sales cliches […]
If you want to stop the Kool-Aid and start to sound different — more relatable, more trustworthy, less surface, less bullshitty — you need to learn to spot it first.