TL : DR – THE BLUEPRINT TEMPLATE COLLECTION FOR REALTORS IS NOW LIVE! Today we’re continuing our weekly blog series of “new template previews,” showcasing our latest addition to the Realtor marketing template line. Read on to meet the Realtor Listing Proposal template, and the intention behind it.

One of my first clients was a Texas Realtor named Miranda. A successful team leader at the same brokerage I used to hang my license at, we connected in my early months as an agent and maintained our connection for years afterwards. (She’s still a lovely friend + loyal fan of the BLUEPRINT studio.)
I remember standing in the office parking lot with Miranda one day, chatting about her real estate branding and most recent listing consult.
“You know,” she said, “speaking of branding. Something I really want for my business someday is a listing proposal. Like a beautiful, property-specific proposal that I can update and share every time I have a seller consult.”
I asked her how a resource like this would differ from a branded Seller Guide, something we had already created for her business and that her team was actively sharing with new seller clients.
The Seller Guide was perfect for sharing AFTER the seller signed the listing agreement, Miranda explained. But she felt a piece was missing from the conversion process: “What we need is a custom listing proposal to present to seller leads at the initial consult, BEFORE they commit to list. To convince them. Give us a serious persuasive leg up from the competition.”
The idea made sense. I tucked it away for future reference. Didn’t think of it again until more than four years later, when another client of mine, Stefanie, texted with a question.
“What do you think about a templated, customizable home selling proposal? Price strategy, marketing plan, etc. We really need something like this!”
Flashback to Miranda and our parking lot conversation. My wheels started turning and that same week, I pulled out my notepad and started brainstorming ideas for the kind of resource that Stefanie, Miranda—and surely countless other thoughtful real estate pros, reflecting on their processes—were looking for.
The Listing Proposal template then became the next addition to our BLUEPRINT Collection, now live in the Shop: a Collection of modern, elegant, fully customizable client communication templates made exclusively for Realtors with the savvy of an agent and the heart of a designer.
Up to now we’ve previewed the Welcome Guide and Buyer & Seller Guide templates here on the blog.
Now, meet The Listing Proposal Template for Realtors.

First off, here is what the Listing Proposal is not: it’s not a Seller Guide.
The Seller Guide is designed for sharing with committed clients after they’ve officially signed on to work with you. The Listing Proposal, on the other hand, is the pre-listing “pitch pack” designed to inform, impress, and convert seller leads into committed clients.
This is not an “extra template” you carry around in your business to share just because it’s pretty. If you’ve been following our template features on the blog so far, then you know that all BLUEPRINT templates are driven by intention. Each template is designed to honor a transaction milestone or fill a gap within your marketing system/client experiences as transaction journeys unfold.
The Listing Proposal template is no different. It fits naturally into the way you already do business as a listing agent.
Here’s how.
Think about how you already approach the task of converting seller leads into committed clients. Most likely, you’re meeting with the seller(s) in person. Coffee shop appointment. Kitchen table chat. You know the drill. Together you discuss their selling goals and if you come prepared, then you have some form of a listing presentation ready to share — either entirely verbally, or through some print-outs you’ve brought that outline your marketing strategy, CMA-backed price strategy for their specific property, and more. Maybe it’s a mixture of both.
Whatever your presentation style, you always come prepared or you follow up the appointment with a detailed email/set of notes outlining the above particulars.
Because for your sellers, you put on the kid gloves, right? When your value as a listing agent must be proven and earned, not assumed — how do you present yourself? When you aren’t the only successful Realtor on the block who can put the “SOLD” sign in their yard — how do you sell yourself first and best? You really have just one shot.
On that premise, the Listing Proposal template takes everything you already rely on in your listing presentations — the data, the stories, the strategy — and distills it into one strong, stand-out magazine (for either print or digital sharing) that looks like you created it just for that seller and their property.
Because in reality, you did. That’s the beauty of a custom template you can use again and again. Tailored to each new seller lead, for each new listing appointment you’re out to win for the resume.

Any professional agent, broker, team leader, or larger company in the real estate business. For personality-driven real estate brands who crave stylish identities and modern, high-converting client materials to grow and convert business.
More specifically, the Listing Proposal template is for real estate pros who understand the immense value, to both their seller and themselves as agents, of having a pre-made template that is detailed, on-brand, and waiting for them to quickly customize every time they book a listing appointment.

Easy functionality. You don’t want to recreate the wheel every time a listing appointment pops up on the calendar. You need the ability to take the same template structure for your proposals, containing your same stand-out approach and information, and quickly tweak the specifics as they differ between appointments.
Decide on the strongest way to present yourself. Make sure the method isn’t stress-inducing or time-consuming, and stay consistent with your presentation each time.
Unique persuasion. I referred to the Listing Proposal template as a “pitch pack” earlier, and find the term quite fitting. Everything you do as a Realtor is persuasive at some level. The key, though, is defining your uniquely persuasive value proposition and then expressing that in many different ways over the course of, say, a 45-minute listing appointment. Sitting across from discerning sellers who are looking for reasons to trust you over The Other Guy.
Yes, present your price strategy, your marketing services, all the important details. But don’t stop there. Have a presentation that tells a story, too…
What successful home selling case studies can you share? How can you weave in some story-full details about yourself that make you more relatable? What is your manifesto as a professional who actually cares about these sellers as human beings, not as an agent simply out to earn a commission? What are the advantages of sellers hiring a professional like you and what are the risks if they don’t?

Professional and beautiful presentation. BROKEN RECORD ALERT (if you’ve read our other template posts, you’ve heard this a million times already; #sorrynotsorry)! Aesthetic matters. Visual excellence matters. All the other listing agents are sending eye-sore-long emails or showing up to seller appointments with shuffles of dense/overly basic-looking presentation notes at best, or poorly-produced, entirely-unbranded materials at worst.
Not you.
You have a presentation PDF that reads like a custom-made magazine. No sloppy margins. No dense or complicated type. No low-res images. No inconsistency in color palette and tone of voice. You don’t allow clients to question your intentionality or presentation standards, because you’re here to win.
Now that you’re convinced of what an effective Listing Proposal looks like, and why this piece is so critical to client experience journey with sellers? Let me introduce you to the Listing Proposal template exclusive to our Collection.
+ Cover Page (3 designs to choose from
+ My Story / Our Team
+ What Drives Me / Us
+ By the Numbers (quick credibility statistics)
+ Kind Words (testimonials scattered tastefully throughout the magazine)
+ My / Our Seller Services
+ Advantages of Working With a Realtor
+ Pricing & Timing Considerations
+ My / Our Pricing Proposal
+ Market Snapshot
+ My / Our Marketing Proposal
+ Preparing Your Home to List
+ Seller Case Study 01
+ Seller Case Study 02
+ Next Steps
+ Contact Me / Us
+ Heartfelt Thank You

+ Professional copywriting built-in
I’m out to provide as much immediate and long-term value as I can in your template purchase. A turn-key experience.
So, as a former Realtor and former journalist both, I’ve invested the time up front to craft + integrate all the template verbiage for you. This means the customization process will be totally seamless for you, no matter how much time you wish to contribute.
With expertly crafted copy already in place, your only task upon purchase will be to customize any branding and images, and tweak minor verbiage as needed to reflect your personal and/or contact info, any market-specific terms or definitions, case study info, etc. You can customize a 25+ page magazine in an hour or less.
+ Free high-res stock imagery
Each Realtor template in the BLUEPRINT Collection includes a highly curated collection of quality photos that you are 100% free to use in the templates and elsewhere in your marketing if you choose.
(I even filtered all the images in Lightroom, so they present as a perfectly curated collection within each template, as if they were all shot by the same photographer or purchased from the same image bank. Type-A much? I’ve got you.)
+ Free font links
Each template is designed using quality free fonts. I include links to each font in your template download package. (You are, of course, welcome and encouraged to bring in your own brand fonts as wanted, if you already have a set font system in place within your marketing.)
+ Instructions PDF
Just a quick video and a few helpful tips to help you customize your template with efficiency and ease.

“So if I use this Listing Proposal template, do I still need the BLUEPRINT Seller Guide template?”
If you are able to invest in both templates, then 1000% YES — you need and want both. And so do your sellers.
Step 1: You send brand new seller leads your Welcome Guide as soon as they land in your inbox, your text messages, or your email database. You capture their attention and start the conversation.
Step 2: You schedule an appointment with your new seller leads, and in preparation to meet, you customize your Listing Proposal template so it’s just for them / their specific property. You share this customized Proposal during or after the actual listing appointment. (Ideal scenario = you print out the Proposal and leave a physical copy with the sellers at the appointment; then you follow up with the digital copy via email for added reinforcement + persuasion.)
Step 3: The sellers officially commit to working with you (it was that drop-dead gorgeous Listing Proposal, wasn’t it? ;)), and now that your relationship is official, you share the Seller Guide with them to kick off the list-to-close journey.
Step 4: Shortly before closing day, deliver a copy of your beautiful Seller Goodbye Packet to your clients, concluding the transaction journey with grace + polish.
“What if I’m a brand new agent with no glowing listings resume to share yet?”
Totally okay. You may be just starting out, but don’t ever use that as a reason to undermine your value and, by extension, undermine the importance of excellent client communication materials. If anything, this Listing Proposal will be even more valuable to you. It enables you to project an image of uncommon care + credibility from the get-go. Be confident and invest in yourself.
Also know that you can easily delete the “Case Study” sections from your Listing Proposal template until you have a success story or two under your belt that you’re proud to share. Everything else in the template automatically applies, whether you’re a new agent or a seasoned pro.
“What size is The Listing Proposal template?“
Each template in the BLUEPRINT Collection is A4 size. I chose A4 for different reasons. Most notably: most agents I talk to wish to send out their media kits via email (faster delivery and saves expense). A4 showcases beautifully via email, whereas a more standard magazine size usually fails to display as two pages. And if you are investing in quality communication materials, then I want to guarantee that these magazines will display easily and beautifully.
“But what if I don’t have a team?”
No worries. I’ve created both “solo agent” and “team” versions of all templates in the Collection, so at time of purchase, you can choose the option that best serves your model.
“Is the template fully customizable and easy to use?”
Oh, you bet. These templates are designed with absolute “non-designers” in mind. I know there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution. This is why each template is unbelievably easy to edit to your business branding, colors, and fonts, to make your client materials look and feel expertly built + beautifully designed.
All of the Realtor templates in my Collection were created for customization in Canva, which is quite possibly the most easy, user-friendly design software out there. Perks include loads of free fonts and images, and a simple drag-and-drop interface. If you’re brand new to Canva, you may spend a few moments of poking around to figure it out, but no heartburn involved, I promise. Your template will include an Instructions PDF + Video to guide you through the customizations, too.

BLUEPRINT is a boutique creative studio serving the real estate industry. Visit our website for information about our services and to learn how our team can support your real estate branding, social media and editorial needs.