I have a really simple real estate brand challenge for you today. 1x the effort, 10x the impact.
Go through your most recent marketing content AND your more critical evergreen copy bits (like your Realtor IG bio, About Me page, etc) and begin to WEED OUT the musty, industry-stale terminology and replace it with professional PERSONALITY.
You’re a human being.
Your prospects, clients, and those other Realtors you hope to bring onto your team soon are human beings.
So make the shift…
“AGENT” is depersonalized.
“CONSULTANT” or “ADVISOR” dignifies you.
“RECRUITING” puts Realtors in a herd.
“ATTRACTION” communicates respect.
“BUYING AND SELLING” is stale-transactional.
“LINK ARMS WITH” or “PARTNER WITH” is relational and fresh.
In great big crowed spaces, the littlest things matter most to standing out.
Everywhere you look, Realtors are identifying themselves, their skills and the people they serve the exact same way.
Talk about a fast track to marketing invisibility — just adopting The Way Things Are Always Talked About in your space.
It strips away the humanity of your service and, by extension, the emotional resonance that makes you immediately more appealing, believable, warm and memorable.
This is your reminder that you have autonomy.
You can choose your words, instead of parroting what the industry has given you.
You can redefine your HOW:
- How the real estate industry identifies you, versus how you choose to identify your own self.
- How the New Agent Handbook defines your prospects and clients, versus how you choose to talk TO and ABOUT them, in the real world, boots on the ground, as a Realtor.
- How you choose to build connections in your marketing, and care more than your competition, or not.
In the end, absolutely none of this is rocket science — because it’s about putting your and others’ humanity first.
That means the little words in your marketing are actually a big deal.
On every platform.
Every day.
Show people you see yourself and others differently, and help them believe in your difference,
the way YOU do.
Realtors, choose your little words wisely.

P.S – What’s BLUEPRINT, again?
We’re a gaggle of designers, writers, and creatives on a mission to change the branding narrative in real estate.
We offer a signature branding service and the industry’s most elegant and high-converting digital products to help modern, stylish Realtors do three things:
➝ Communicate their worth;
➝ Become the obvious choice;
➝ Tell the right stories to stand out + SELL more.
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