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Anchoring is a powerful tool we can use to help our potential clients “arrive at the answer themselves” and decide to like, choose, and trust us. 

Understanding what makes your offer a “must have” painkiller versus a “nice to have” vitamin is the key to successful marketing.

The secret ingredient is how you make them FEEL.

Panera realized it wasn’t just about bread. There’s something here for you, too >

Realtors, if you want to win hearts, don’t sell things.

Tell stories.

On my dining room table, there’s a handful of Paw Patrol coloring pages strewn about, and orange Crayola markers, and a plate of half-eaten toddler pancake breakfast. A still life slice of my life this morning with the 3-year-old. I have a sudden idea for a new business blog post. Can’t find my legal pad. Desperate […]

Recently I shared some really helpful tips (you all raved about it, at least) on how to gather better referrals from your favorite buyer and seller clients.  It only felt right to follow that up with tips re: how to gather better REVIEWS, too, because everyone needs excellent social proof and some stats just can’t be […]

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If your brand and service approach doesn’t represent anything specific?

Then what your clients are “buying” doesn’t much, either.

It’s time for a heart-to-heart about defining a very clear, unique value proposition for your real estate brand.